Portable Hard Drive comes handy during emergency

06/08/2011 20:32

Consider a situation when storing gigabytes of data required a refrigerator size disk storage device! Yes, that was the scenario way back in 1980. And the overall cost was a hopping sum of about ten thousand dollars.

However, the situation has changed since then. Now, we can effortlessly store hundreds of GB in a pocket book size device, commonly called portable hard drive. The cost approximately comes to hundred dollars. If you can spend more, drives with higher storing capacity will be easily available.

What is a portable hard drive and how does it work?

We all know that any computer system consists of a hard drive for storing data. The portable device is just the same; only difference is that it needs to be fitted from outside and not provided along with the computer system. This drive should be connected using a USB and / or Firewire data cable to your computer or laptop. This cable is also provided with the device, when you are purchasing it. You can opt for a ‘networkable’ drive to connect it to a router via Ethernet cable. This system is applicable when the hard drive information needs to be shared among multiple computers.

You need to choose the device as per requirements. Thus, if your need is minimal, say, 1-2 GB of storage, it is advisable to go for flash media device, i.e., USB key. However, for storing huge volumes, optical media is the best option. While choosing the device, you should weigh the portability option. If you need to travel with the hard drive, then it is better to select a compact size device which can be activated easily via the data cable.

You can compare several products available in the market, including their features and prices, before making the final purchase.