Portable Hard Drive – Travel friendly

06/15/2011 16:13

Carrying files was never so easy before. Portable hard drive can be termed as a new generation pocket storage device that is in great demand by people who are always on the move. The high capacity has made it convenient even for people who use high definition files to carry them around. Not only in the IT industry, pocket hard drive is used by people from varied walks of life. For instance, students, marketing executives, businessmen, graphic designers, web designers, government employees, etc. Pocket hard drive comes in varied capacities starting from 500 GB to more than 3 TB. These hard drives can be bought online as well as offline. Online stores offer the best discounts and comparison of various brands also becomes easier.

People prefer portable hard drive not just because it is small and portable but also because it has lots of other features that are not available in other forms of storage devices. Apart from storage capacity, the other important aspect to applaud about pocket storage device is that, it is Bus-powered and does not require any external power support. This means, you can use it with your laptop even while you are moving. The light weight character of the hard drive is another plus. Moreover it comes in attractive colors and designs and hardly anyone notices that it is a hard drive. The sleek and compact finish of the hard drive adds to its aesthetic value.

The portable hard drive comes with all necessary software required for smooth file transfer and synchronization. Moreover, it is compatible with Mac and PC. Just plug in and start transferring files. Most of the pocket hard drives come in a pre-formatted state; therefore the need for formatting the drive is not necessary. This means, you can start using the hard drive straight away. Since it is compatible with most operating systems, the files can be transferred without any hassles. The price of the pocket hard drive also has drastically reduced thereby increasing its reachability. The innovation in the hard drive industry has made some huge storage numbers possible. The storage capacity of the hard drive is even higher than your computer.

External hard drive not only increases the storage capacity of your computer but also enhances the performance of your system as most of the data are transferred to the storage device. The pocket hard drives available in the market come with 256 bit encryption and software downloads that makes it comfortable for the user to use the hard drive. There is no need of any installation assistance from a hardware expert since the device is so easy to install and use. In case of any doubts, there is always the assistance of the customer service offered by all leading brands. Choose carefully and get benefitted immensely.